Being Polekitten

Two years ago, I decided to start this blog. I choose the name Polekitten as it’s a nickname for a pole cleaner at a pole showcase or competition. When I choose it, it was just a domain name. Then I made a logo. Then I changed it to my social media name. Then I got a personalized licence plate. Then I put decals on my vehicles. And bam! I built a brand and persona for myself.

It didn’t really hit me until I was at concert and after the concert, I met the band. A year prior, I added the band members to my social media. This time, they knew my name, well kinda. They knew me as Polekitten! They gave me big hugs and they were genuinely happy to see me. That was huge for me as I’ve been following this band for years. It all happened because I put myself out there and created a persona that people remember.

My licence plate has gotten me noticed too. I was at a car show and a guy seen my plate, and was determined to talk to me as he was intrigued. We exchanged contact information and he ended up sending a referral to purchase a car from me. I also got some photos in his Porche and we have kept in contact. All because of my licence plate.

I have many stories when I have been approached inappropriately due to being more public. But I would not trade the amazing people and experiences that have come my way because of a few bad apples.

Posted in 2018.

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