Inked – March 2019

I got new ink! And of course it’s pole related.  I have been wanting another tattoo for years and keep putting it off. I made a pact with myself that 2019 is the year I am going to get things done.  So I did some research on artists, found one I really liked.  I took her my idea and booked it.  A few short weeks later, it was actually happening.  The design is a pole dancer in the middle, with Matthew Good lyrics from the song “Fearless” Stay Yourself and Nothing Less Stay Fearless around the dancer.  Flowers and music notes are integrated around the lyrics and dancer.   The tattoo took almost 5 hours to complete, which was a lot to sit through.  But it was worth it, as the end result is beautiful.  Now I have a very meaningful words and a dancer on my side, to remind me to Stay Fearless whenever I could use encouragement.

Posted in 2019.

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